
Through the adoption and incorporation of universal design principles and University inclusivity design standards, CSU aspires to anticipate the needs of all users and build inclusive elements into the design process. Universal design principles also incorporate elements that meet and exceed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.

Features that ensure our facilities are independently usable by individuals with disabilities include, but are not limited to, sidewalks ramps and curb cuts with tactile paving, ADA-compliant restrooms, full-length mirrors, automatic doors openers, accessible pedestrian signals and crosswalks, and protruding elevators buttons.


ADA accessibility refers to features that ensure that all individuals are able to access all relevant aspects of campus to the greatest extent possible. ADA accessibility and the inclusive features that fall under its umbrella make campus a usable and inviting place for people with a diverse array of abilities and identities.

Pedestrian signal push button street crossing
Push to open button outside the parking structure

Locate Accessible Parking & Preferred Pathways

Map of accessible pathways and ADA parking

Universal Design & Accessibility FAQ

What is universal design?

See our General FAQs.

How do we schedule assistive people, or animals, in classrooms? Is there a way to do that now? Is there a way to list what classes are held in accessible classrooms on Ramweb so students know when registering?

Most classrooms on campus are accessible and there is not a listing of accessible classrooms on RamWeb. If a student does have a class in an inaccessible classroom (like the second floor of Military Science), the student should contact the Student Disability Center as soon as Possible. We will reach out to Classroom Scheduling and have the room location changed for the entire class.

Are there any plans for making routes accessible during construction?

Student Disability Center (SDC) has been invited to meetings with Facilities Management project managers and some of the contractors and we have shared our concerns about ensuring available accessible routes during construction. Creating accessible routes was a large concern during the earlier phases of the stadium construction, but contractors are now aware that special consideration does need to be made.  If students or others on campus are still finding routes or other features to be inaccessible during construction, we encourage them to reach out to Facilities Management Dispatch at (970) 491-0077. Dispatch is available 7am – 5pm, Monday through Friday. You can also report instances of snow and ice, inoperable automatic doors and elevators, broken sprinkler heads, and blocked pathways.

Related Resources

Questions, comments, or concerns?