Signage & Wayfinding
Wayfinding encompasses the ways in which people orient themselves and navigate to their destinations on campus. Signage is one of the main components of wayfinding on campus. All signage, including wayfinding signage, is designed to be usable by all people without adaptation or specialized design.
Ensuring that all people can navigate around campus is vital to creating an inclusive physical campus. Accessible wayfinding and signage benefits a wide variety of people who would otherwise not be able to easily orient themselves in space on campus.

Signage and Wayfinding FAQ
Who do I contact if there is a need for signage and wayfinding on campus?
CSU has a variety of signage and wayfinding across campus. Refer to the Facilities Management Signage web page for information on who to contact for the different types of signage.
Is braille required on all signs?
Currently under ADA it is only required on certain types of interior signs. It is not required on exterior signs. CSU meets and in some cases exceeds ADA guidelines.